Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween! (wok wok)

*the title is a family joke!

This year we had the...
Bat Witch 

And the...

This little pirate is always on the move and a good picture is nearly impossible!

I tried so hard all night long to get a good picture of the 2 of them together!
Here is the proof-

Marshall was so excited to go trick-or-treating!
He grabbed daddy's hand and exclaimed

Then came back all excited to show me his spoils!

Both kids had a wonderful night!
I love Halloween in our neighborhood!
Mia is already talking about what she should be next year :-/

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see their outfits before the candy run:) I LOVED having face time with them when they got home! Now which picture will be my new desktop background????
