Thursday, July 18, 2013

The last days of summer

I have tried to make Mia's final week before school starts special.
Tuesday we went to Makutu's and brought her neighbor friends along!
Wednesday her friend that she has known since they were both 1 came over for a play date.
And today Aunt Bebe, cousin Finn and cousin Cole came over for a pool party!
The kids had a blast!
Mia surprised me with her bravery!
She was jumping off the edge all by herself and swimming to the side!
I was so proud!

 I set up the play pool in the grass for the youngins.
They had fun drinking from the sprinkling flower!

It's not the beach, but it will do!

Tonight is meet the teacher night at school! Then tomorrow Mia and I are going to get our fingers and toes done and do a little last minute school shopping. It will be our last day together with life as we know it! What an end to an era. Who knew 5 1/2 years  could go by so fast? Sigh. 
I'm gonna enjoy every single second.
Then I work all weekend and the first day of school is going to be here before I know it!
T minus 3 days! GAH!!!


  1. It was such a treat getting the videos of the kiddos having so much fun! I can't believe Mia is jumping and swimming without floaties:) Time is just marching on! xoxoxo!!!

  2. How fun!! Wish my Kingston could be there to join in, he's a fish!! Look forward to many more "pool" pictures in the years to come! xoxoxo
