Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Marshall Law

Definition (adapted from the definition of Martial Law)
Marshall law is the imposition of children rule by childhood authorities over parents on a regular basis.
Marshall law is usually imposed on a temporary basis when the parents fail to function effectively (e.g., maintain order and security, or provide essential services), when there are extensive riots and protests, or when the disobedience of the child becomes widespread. Fundamentally it is a requirement put on parents when they fail to function correctly.
This is the status in my home these days. 
This son of mine is going to send me to the nervous hospital!
Mia and I decided that his new nick name should be Taz.
As in Tasmanian Devil.
He leaves a trail of destruction wherever he goes.
It is impossible to keep up with him and keep this house in order.
Believe me, I have worn myself out trying.
Here is an average day in pictures...

 These stairs are going to be the death of me!
(We have now attached the gate I made to the stairs with cinch straps, as he figured out my ribbon/hook method. We will see how long this lasts!)
I have decided that I will only pick up after him at the end of the day.
This way I go to bed with a clean house and wake up to a clean house.
The time in between is  subject to Marshall Law!


  1. Oh,my goodness! I'm in for some "nervous moments myself". I better do some Marshall-proofing tonight! xoxoxo!!!

  2. Marshall Law - hilarious!!!! I feel your pain. That is Emily - mass destruction every day. It gets so exhausting. We have to barricade all our chairs and bar stools now because she pushes those wherever she wants to be and crawls up them and gets in cabinets, over baby gates, onto the stove!!!

  3. I'm exhausted seeing all that! Well, it'll keep you in shape that's for sure! Good luck! I'm tired and going to bed after seeing that! See you soon! xoox
