That's what I keep trying to tell myself.
I left my baby at school about an hour ago.
I have been crying off and on since.
I will stop and then a random thought of her pops into my head and the waterworks start again!
On the way to school I told Mia that I loved her.
She said she loved me too.
I told her that she was my best girl.
She said I am her best mom.
She promised to hold my hand and always kiss me good-bye.
No matter how old she gets.
I am going to hold her to that.
I keep hearing lines from some of my favorite books I used to read to her.
Mama's right here, on your first day of school, when everything feels so new..
Even when you can't see me, I love you all the time...
I love you so.
How much is so?
Way, way more then you know...
Someday I will stand on this porch and watch your arms waving to me until I no longer see you.
Back in my arms is where you belong.
Man this is harder then I thought it would be.
I have always dreamed of being a mom.
My precious Mia, you made that dream a reality.
Then I had the honor of being able to be home with you most days.
We learned and grew so much together.
You are the reason I am who I am today.
I will always treasure these first 5 years so much.
I promise to be brave, just like you are.
And I can't wait to watch you fly.
(Even though I shed a tear or two.)
You are my proudest achievement.
Cheers to this next chapter in our journey together!
But always remember
As long as I am living,
my baby you will be!
I love how you love her...xoxoxo!!!