Monday, July 29, 2013

A case of the Mondays

Marshall woke up with a rash all over his little body :-(
I took him to the doctor and he tested negative for strep, so she says it must be a virus that is causing the rash. Just have to keep him comfy and let it run it's course.
Luckily he doesn't seem too bothered by it.

Then I get a call from Mia's school.
It seems a mean girl pulled her earring out on the playground :-(
Mia was in the nurse's office.
The mean girl was in the principal's office.
The nurse says Mia is ok.
I just want to hug her. 
Seriously could have cried. 
I sent an email to her teacher and asked her to give my girl my love!
Can't wait til 3:20 when I can see her.

Why can't I protect them from everything?!?

Marshall misses his big sister!

He's playing with her dolls!
The last few school days he has cried as she gets on the bus!
He loves his Beeya!

Friday, July 26, 2013


Today Mia learned the true beauty of Fridays!! 
No school for 2 days. 
She had an excellent first week of kindergarten.
It was mostly filled with learning schedules, routines and where things are.
She visited the nurse's office twice.
Once out of curiosity. She was dying to get in there so she told her teacher that she thought her ponytail might be giving her a headache! That girl has been wearing her hair up every day for years! But it got her in there. The nurse took her hair down and let her look around. 
The second visit was because she took a mean spill during PE. She has a lovely bruise on her elbow to show for it.
Hopefully here curiosity about the nurses office is sated now!
She loves riding the bus and it is really quite nice for me too!
Marshall and I take her to the bus stop- just about 4 houses down and then walk and meet her when she comes home.
I think I am going to like this new schedule just fine!
I miss my girl, but we will be ok!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mia's Wish

Mia has been harassing me to let her ride the bus for months.
I really didn't want her riding it.
I had to ride the bus and I always wished my mom could take me.
Not this girl.
She just wants to ride the bus with her friends.
So today we gave it a shot.
She was even more excited about this then starting school!
We walked to the bus stop with her best buddies, Khaymin and Khavi.
Khaymin is so sweet. He promised me he would watch over her and make sure she made it to her class safely! He is the coolest kid!

The bus pulled up and she jumped right in line!
I introduced her to the bus driver and off she went, with barely a look back!
My girl is just amazing!
She is so brave and vibrant and outgoing!
I hope nothing ever dulls her shine!

(I went to lunch again. Wanted to make sure everything went well on the bus and that she was ok riding it back home. Of course it went just fine and she was ecstatic to ride it home too!)

Monday, July 22, 2013

1 1/2 Years Old!

Marshall had his 18 month check up today!
I thought that he was going to make a big move up as far as his percentile went.
It just seems like he has grown so much these last couple of months.
But alas, he weighed in at 21 lbs 6 oz. (Still the 3rd percentile!)
Like the doctor said tho- he is following his "Marshall curve" just fine!
He got his toe poked to check his blood count!
He kinda made a face like What did you just do to me?!?!

Everything checked out just fine!
He is a happy, healthy, growing boy!
Amen to that!

Mia's Big Day!

Here is my girl all dressed and ready for her first day of Kindergarten!

Mama d got her this back pack (and the matching lunch bag!)
It is almost as big as she is!

We bought this shirt at her school.
I cut it to make it more her and she just had to wear it on the first day of school!

 And we are off!
 There wasn't anyone to take a picture of us walking in, so I took one of our shadows!
 She was so excited she could hardly stand it!
 Our neighborhood bus was unloading as we got there so she got to say Hi to her friends!

 I walked her to her room and got her all settled in...
It just about took all of my selfcontrol not to lose it in front of her!
She was so brave and excited.
When I hugged her goodbye I could feel her precious heart beating so fast.
I made it to the car and shed some tears for the end of this most glorious era.
My baby is now in school!

Luckily for me, I was able to go have lunch with her!
It was great to see her so happy and chatting with new friends!
She was doing fine!

I picked her up after school and she told me all about her day.
When we got home she couldn't wait to go see her friends and tell them all about it too.
Guess she didn't miss me too much ;-)


That's what I keep trying to tell myself.
I left my baby at school about an hour ago.
I have been crying off and on since.
I will stop and then a random thought of her pops into my head and the waterworks start again!
On the way to school I told Mia that I loved her.
She said she loved me too.
I told her that she was my best girl.
She said I am her best mom.
She promised to hold my hand and always kiss me good-bye.
No matter how old she gets.
I am going to hold her to that.

I keep hearing lines from some of my favorite books I used to read to her.

Mama's right here, on your first day of school, when everything feels so new..

Even when you can't see me, I love you all the time...

I love you so.
How much is so?
Way, way more then you know...

Someday I will stand on this porch and watch your arms waving to me until I no longer see you.

Back in my arms is where you belong.

Man this is harder then I thought it would be.

I have always dreamed of being a mom.
My precious Mia, you made that dream a reality.
Then I had the honor of being able to be home with you most days.
We learned and grew so much together.
You are the reason I am who I am today.
I will always treasure these first 5 years so much.
I promise to be brave, just like you are.
And I can't wait to watch you fly.
(Even though I shed a tear or two.)
You are my proudest achievement.
Cheers to this next chapter in our journey together!
But always remember
As long as I am living,
my baby you will be!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

My girl learned how to blow bubbles today!

***Tomorrow is K day! I am trying not to think about it!

Friday, July 19, 2013

We will always be together

Today was Mommy and Mia day!
We went and ran a few errands to pick up some last minute school necessities, had lunch and then got our nails done!

 We decided to get our nails done the same.
 That way on Monday when she is away at school and we are missing each other, we can look at our nails, remember this fun day and how much we love each other!
Man I love this girl!
T Minus 2 days...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The last days of summer

I have tried to make Mia's final week before school starts special.
Tuesday we went to Makutu's and brought her neighbor friends along!
Wednesday her friend that she has known since they were both 1 came over for a play date.
And today Aunt Bebe, cousin Finn and cousin Cole came over for a pool party!
The kids had a blast!
Mia surprised me with her bravery!
She was jumping off the edge all by herself and swimming to the side!
I was so proud!

 I set up the play pool in the grass for the youngins.
They had fun drinking from the sprinkling flower!

It's not the beach, but it will do!

Tonight is meet the teacher night at school! Then tomorrow Mia and I are going to get our fingers and toes done and do a little last minute school shopping. It will be our last day together with life as we know it! What an end to an era. Who knew 5 1/2 years  could go by so fast? Sigh. 
I'm gonna enjoy every single second.
Then I work all weekend and the first day of school is going to be here before I know it!
T minus 3 days! GAH!!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

T Minus 6 days...

My baby girl will be starting kindie in 6 days.
I'm pretty sure I am in denial.
Don't get me wrong, we are prepared.
I took her shopping last week and we got all her supplies, 2 new pairs of shoes and 3 new pairs of black leggings. (yep, that is still her pant of choice.!)
She found out last week that her teacher will be Mrs. Breedlove.
She saw her when she attended a neighbor's kindergarten graduation last year and has been smitten every since.
When I asked her why, her answer was: She and I look alike and our names are alike too!
(Tho she begs her daddy not to call her B-Love any more, she is digging the similarities with Mrs. Breedlove!)
She is over the moon excited.
I think I am kind of numb.
It has been a wild last few weeks. Very busy with lots of ups and downs.
But I don't know if I can blame my detachment on that.
Maybe my numbness is a defense mechanism?
How is it that my baby will no longer spend all of her days with me?
What am I going to do?
I know I will be super busy with Marshall, and I look forward to the special time I will now get to have with him.
But what about my Angel Baby? My Best Girl? My B Love?
I am gonna miss her so...

Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Road Trip!

I have been missing my mama.
A couple weeks ago I decided to brave a road trip with my littles and celebrate The 4th ABQ style!
We headed out bright and early on the 3rd.
Made it to Payson around 7:30am. That part of the trip went pretty well, except my sweet Mia started complaining of nausea about and hour into the drive. So after some breakfast we stopped over at Walgreen's and bought some Dramamine.
Then we hit up the town park for a little running around and action before pushing on.

 Then in was back in the mini and on the road again!!
 The next 2 hours went pretty smoothly.
Mia fell asleep for a while after taking the Dramamine!
And Marshall hung out.
(Usually he doesn't get his binkie much during the day so he was in hog heaven!)
About 20 minutes outside of Gallup, NM he started melting down.
One of those that even the binkie can't fix!
We made it to the town Wendy's with most of my sanity intact!
There we grabbed some lunch and despite the way I used to feel about this type of parenting, I allowed Marshall to walk all around the restaurant!
He was happy, therefore I was happy!
Then back into the car we went for the final stretch!
It went really quite well I must say.
Mia kept asking how she would know when we were close.
So I told her to watch for "9 mile hill".
It is a loooong hill and when you crest the top you see Albuquerque below!
I'm telling you, for many reasons I needed my mama and home land, and when we crested that hill I seriously physically felt a weight lift off of me.
My mama was only 20 minutes more away!!
We unpacked and settled right in.
It didn't take Marshall long to make himself at home!
(he left his mark all over mama d's house!)

 I spent the weeks leading up to my visit making some crafts for my mom.
I made her this garden post.
It's hard to see, but it says
Leave room in your garden for fairies to dance
 I also made these 4th of July luminarias!

 We had a lovely evening visiting and talking about the fun we had planned for the 4th.
At 3:30am that night Mia came into my room crying that her ear hurt.
I knew this wasn't good. 
Earlier in the week she had some fevers, but I didn't think too much of it because she had no other symptoms.
We spent the morning of the 4th at an urgent care.
Here's my poor girl all dressed up for the 4th and sooooo sick!
Turns out it was a double ear infection AND strep throat!
We ended up having to cancel the party we had planned for that night.
But mom and I decided it was a blessing in disguise because it gave us some mello time to spend together.
Mia would feel pretty good when the medicine was working so we were able to squeeze in some fun.
 Mama d bought this great marble run game and the kids had a blast!

When the tylenol or motrin wore off she felt pretty stinky and had to lay down for a while until the next dose kicked in!

 As darkness approached we broke out the sparklers!

 And lit our luminarias!
 Then in true ABQ fashion we went out front and did fireworks in the street!

There were about 4 other neighbors doing theirs too, so we had quite the show.
Mia and I had bought some from a corner stand near our house in PHX and we had a couple winners!
It was really fun and took me back to my childhood days.

The next day, 24hrs into the antibiotics, we tried to make up for some lost time and made some visiting rounds!
We went to my Uncle Tony and Aunt Ruth's house in Corrales.
It is a gorgeous home with a park like back yard.
Right when we got there a huge rain storm hit.
It was awesome!
It poured for about 20 minutes and we just sat on the patio and enjoyed it.
Once the rain stopped Marshall discovered the joy of puddles.

He was soaked!! 
But he had a blast.
My calmness about the situation is another testament to what being near one's mama and homeland does for the spirit!
(Otherwise I probably would have needed a valium to keep me from ruining my boy's fun!)
I also got to meet my cousin's fiance!
So excited for the 2 of them.
It was during this wonderful visit that Mia came up to me and said 
"Mom, my eyes are all blurry."
They were covered in green goop!
Luckily I remembered that we had a refill on some eye drops the doctor had prescribed for a previous run in with the pink eye!
So we stopped in to Target on the way back to my mom's and picked them up.
The newest development in the sickness stomped out our plans to hang out with some friends and their kiddos that night.
So once again we found ourselves enjoying a quiet evening at home.
The next day it was time to head home.
Grampa Eddie and Miss Moya came by for a visit.
At first Marshall cried when he saw Grampa, but he quickly realized that he is a good guy and they had some fun together.

Despite all of our trials we had a wonderful visit with my mom!
Thanks mom for your unwavering hospitality!
We love you so and look forward to seeing you next time!

Now it was time to brave the road home.
This time I gave Mia her Dramamine early on to stave off the car sickness.
Poor baby was still quite sick and she zonked out!
So did my trooper of a boy!
I decided that we were only stopping once on the way home.
This was the perfect spot!
We had a picnic lunch and the kiddos explored around.

After a while there we were ready for the last leg of our journey.
We made it home safe and sound!
It was a quick trip, filled with lots of things (some unexpected and unwelcome!)
but we made the most of it!

Phew, I am tired!