Thursday, March 14, 2013

He sleeps

After I put Marshall to bed tonight, I thought about what a wonderful little sleeper he is and always has been.
He slept for 8 hours straight when he was only weeks old, then completely thru the night (10-11 hrs) when he was just a couple months old!
And I have never once put him in his bed when he was already asleep!
I have a vivid memory of being so exhausted in that first week home with him.
It was about 8 o'clock at night and he seemed wide awake.
I couldn't hold my head up any longer,
so I lay him down in his cradle and I lay down beside him in my bed.
As I lay there watching him and reveling in the glory of having a new life in our family,
he quietly and preciously drifted off to sleep all on his own!
I couldn't believe it.

And he has done so every day since then.

Naps included!

How did I get so lucky?
I have no idea,
but I thank you my precious son for this amazing tender mercy!
Love you so...

1 comment:

  1. Honey, he got that from you! You were in love with your bed and mobile. Your crib was in our room, and your little jibber jabber would put me to sleep after I fed and changed your diaper @ 2:00-3:00am. It was the best! xoxoxo!!!
