I love his little voice and he amazes me constantly with new words and phrases.
Some things though require some figuring out!
Her are a few special Marshall words!
Heehop= Grandpa
Omik= Music
Blooo= He wants to color with his crayons
Hhmm= Yes
Dye dye= He wants to watch Little Einsteins
Ish too!= I love you too (my fave!)
Seepy= Blankie
Bow= Binkie
Awbie= He wants to read his book "I Am A Bunny"
Moo= He wants to read "Good Night Moon"
There is one word that I haven't yet figured out.
I've come to realize that it has multiple meanings.
And sometimes the meaning changes throughout the day.
Occasionally it is used more then once in a sentence, to mean more then one thing.
I hear it many times a day.
And if I don't quickly figure out what it is he is trying to say he will enunciate it more clearly, then more loudly, then more insistently.
Until eventually we are both near to tears over our breakdown in communication.
The word is "eh".
Or "EH"
And sometimes "EEEEEHHHHH!!!"
By the end of a long day it is like nails on a chalkboard.
Here's hoping we speak the same language soon!
What a thrill it was to hear those words and have some conversations with him:) xoxoxo!!!