Friday, November 29, 2013

My best guy

So, Marshall's lab tests showed no food allergies what so ever!!! I was so surprised. Just the night before I got the results he was eating dinner and a huge hive busted out on his forearm. So I turned back to all the external rash possibilities. I had eliminated all perfumes and dyes etc. As I was brainstorming i remembered that we noticed a couple new bibs I bought were giving him a rash on the back of his neck. I had gotten rid of them and went back to fabric lined bibs. but realized that his forearms were still touching the outer plastic/vinyl. Could he be allergic to that? Well, we decided to ditch the bib all together and are just using a towel clipped around his neck. And what do you know? No more hives or rashes. Weird. But good that we may have figured it out. But weird. Now I need to figure out what plastics/vinyls/rubbers/?latex he is allergic to!

Here are a couple good selfies of me and my best guy!

Love him!

Tonight we celebrated Chanukah at AuntiElisha's house!
Grammy made some amazing food
And Mia read the story of Chanukah!
It was a special night indeed!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year we had a quiet Thanksgiving.
Just the 4 of us.

I couldn't be more thankful.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Marshall and I walked up to Mia's school today for her Thanksgiving celebration!
We had food, did some crafts and listened to the kids read what they are thankful for!
It was a good time!

Friday, November 22, 2013


Poor Marsh has been battling rashes since the summer. We initially thought it was a contact dermatitis, but the other night at dinner I looked over and his arm was full of hives! Which means some sort of food allergy. There was a lot of different foods at dinner so I couldn't narrow it down. We have eliminated strawberries and broccoli- both caused a rash in the past. But he continues to have rashes so I took him to the doctor to discuss testing.
Today he had some lab work to test different foods. 
He was such a charmer in the waiting room at the lab! 
I had a talk with him that morning to tell him what was going to happen. He was quiet while I talked and at the end said  "Awwight Mommy". 
Melted my heart. I don't know if he really knew what I was telling him, but it was super cute none the less!

He was not happy when we went in the back!
I held him tight and sang in his ear (just like I told him I would!) and the phlebotomist did a fast, great job! He cried, but got over it pretty quickly!

There isn't much a lollipop won't fix!

As he stared at his bandage, 
I realized that it was the same shade as his cast!
I'm thinking this particular shade of green may trigger PTSD for him :-)

Hoping to get the test results next week!

Walkin' Weather

The weather was perfect for some exploring today!

On our way out of our yard, Marshall picked up a rock and he tossed it and picked it up the entire walk! It made it all the way back home! 

He even brought it onto the play structure and sent it down the slide!

He almost never stayed on the beaten path.
He forged his own way! 

This was the final toss and pick up of his rock! 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Marshall Speak

Marshall is talking more and more these days!
I love his little voice and he amazes me constantly with new words and phrases.
Some things though require some figuring out!
Her are a few special Marshall words!

Heehop= Grandpa
Omik= Music
Blooo= He wants to color with his crayons
Hhmm= Yes
Dye dye= He wants to watch Little Einsteins
Ish too!= I love you too (my fave!)
Seepy= Blankie
Bow= Binkie
Awbie= He wants to read his book "I Am A Bunny"
Moo= He wants to read "Good Night Moon"

There is one word that I haven't yet figured out.
I've come to realize that it has multiple meanings. 
And sometimes the meaning changes throughout the day.
Occasionally it is used more then once in a sentence, to mean more then one thing.
I hear it many times a day.
And if I don't quickly figure out what it is he is trying to say he will enunciate it more clearly, then more loudly, then more insistently.
Until eventually we are both near to tears over our breakdown in communication.
The word is "eh". 
Or "EH"
And sometimes "EEEEEHHHHH!!!"
By the end of a long day it is like nails on a chalkboard.
Here's hoping we speak the same language soon!


My boy has experienced quite a few firsts lately!

First corn dog 

First bowl of cereal

First tantrum

It wasn't his last 
(And I'm sure I have many more to look forward to :-/ )

And First pee pee on the potty!!!

Oh the life of a toddler.
Ain't it grand?!?!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Never enough time!

My mom and grandma were in town for 5 days!
It was a rough visit for Momo.
She has terrible stomach troubles and then she fell down some stairs and cut her finger!
She has to get 7 stitches!
But we are thankful that it wasn't any worse.
Other then those things we had  nice visit, and weren't ready for them to leave!
Once again I was horrible with the camera!
But I took this gem of 3 generations all snuggled in bed!

See you next time ladies!
Love you!

Friday, November 8, 2013


Today Marshall had the pleasure of being with 3 Great Grandparents! 

He sure does love them!
He showers them all with hugs and kisses and just makes their day!
Not many 91 year olds can get down on the floor and play horsey with their great grandsons!

I think he takes after his mama with his affection for the elderly. 
There is much to be learned from those that have lived for so long.
And a lot of satisfaction comes from helping them along their journey and brightening their day with even the smallest gestures.
I know someday they won't be here any more and I will miss them so.
For now I am squeezing as much love and wisdom out of them as I can!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Walk With My Boy

Now that we made it thru Halloween and Birthday Madness week, I was able to just relax today and hang with my Best Guy!
The weather was so nice we decided to take a nice long walk!

I hope he always holds my hand.
 And always gives me big 'ol open mouth kisses!

 He loves being outside!
So thankful for this beautiful weather so we can have lots of fun exploring around!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The 6th Annual Birthday Bash!

This year we had Mia's birthday party at our neighborhood park.
We rented a bounce house
And invited all her friends and family!
We had a blast!

 We even had sack races!
 Cole and Marshall got in on the action too!

We had pizza for lunch and then it was time for CAKE!

And finally PRESENTS!
Our neighbor took pictures of her opening her gifts and she had some wonderful expressions!

Love all her excited, thankful, gracious faces!

Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated our girl with us!