Sunday, October 14, 2012

I saw a story on this article on the Today Show the other day.
It was a pretty touching story that has gotten a lot of attention. It is about the fact that we take tons of pictures of our kids, but mom's are almost always behind the camera and thus don't have many pics of ourselves with our kids.  It is so true. 
So today I took these pics of me with my littles!

Then I thought a little more about it...
This is the closing paragraph of the article:
So when all is said and done, if I can't do it for myself, I want to do it for my kids. I want to be in the picture, to give them that visual memory of me. I want them to see how much I am here, how my body looks wrapped around them in a hug, how loved they are.

What really matters to me is that my kids have many pictures in their heads of all the time I spend with them, loving them, teaching them, having fun with them and taking care of them. That they know how my body feels wrapped around them when I hug them, hold them or snuggle them before bed and can recall that feeling from memory for the rest of their lives. And that they know in their very being how much I love and cherish them. Whether I have a million pictures of us together, or just one.
And I will spend the rest of my days ensuring just that!


  1. Saw that segment on Friday I think on one of the news shows. Good to see you in the pics. Really does "complete" the picture. Love you!! xoxoxox

  2. YEA for Today Show for getting you to do that! Mia and Marshall will treasure those pictures for all of their days, and I will for all of mine. I only get pix of you when I am with you, AND we all know that I don't take the best ones. Thanks, Honey, for being who you are. I love you soooo much! xoxoxo!!!
