Saturday, July 8, 2017


Just about 2 weeks ago daddy was doing yard work and he discovered a quail nest in my geranium pot out front!

We were so excited and intrigued by this! We watched and checked in on mommy and the eggs a couple times a day.
I checked out a book about quails and we learned all about them. Sadly we learned that the quail with the beautiful red head and plume was the daddy quail.
 It is usually the mommy that tends the nest, but if something happens to mommy then daddy takes over.
This evening while I was cooking dinner the kids were looking out the front window and exclaimed that there was a baby bird! We all went outside and saw it! SOOOOO tiny and cute. Daddy was skittering about and chirping. He seemed just like a nervous new dad!

There are 10 other eggs in the nest and we can't wait to see the rest of the baby birds!

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