Friday, July 17, 2015

The 505

We had another wonderful visit back in my hometown.
Cooler weather and my mama- what more could a girl ask for?!?!

 Marshall had a major melt down in the car so Momo put in her ear plugs!

 In the morning there were a few minutes of panic because we couldn't find Marshall. 
Seriously- thoughts of kidnappers was running through my head as I ran through the house.
Then I went to look in the bedroom again and I saw his little fit sticking out from UNDER Mia's bed!
He rolled off his bed and under there sometime during the night!

 This is a must every. time.
Makes me feel like a teenager at work again,
and then it makes me feel really old.
That was a looooong time ago! Ugh.
 He did it again! Little stinker!
I even lined the side of his bed with pillows and still he rolled under.
At lease we knew right where to look this time!

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