Friday, July 31, 2015


If you asked me a year ago where I would be today, this wouldn't have even been a fleeting thought in my mind.
But here I am.
9 months with Beauticontrol, Executive VIP, Team of 19 and at the annual meeting!
This has been a crazy ride. Some downs, but even more ups.
I've met so many new people, some that were sent to me by fate (Michelle- my "Supreme Sister") and my most favorite of all is a blossoming friendship with my cousin Penny. We are in it to win it!
Excited to see what the future holds.

 So thankful for technology!
I got to see my family every day!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Girl Power

Spent a little girlie time with my best girl doing our nails!
Celebration here I come!

This is happening in 6 days.

Where does the time go?
(It's just preschool, but still...)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Mr. Olympia

I was working in the office and behind me I hear
"Mom! I am sooooo strong!"

(the box is empty!!!)

Friday, July 17, 2015

The 505

We had another wonderful visit back in my hometown.
Cooler weather and my mama- what more could a girl ask for?!?!

 Marshall had a major melt down in the car so Momo put in her ear plugs!

 In the morning there were a few minutes of panic because we couldn't find Marshall. 
Seriously- thoughts of kidnappers was running through my head as I ran through the house.
Then I went to look in the bedroom again and I saw his little fit sticking out from UNDER Mia's bed!
He rolled off his bed and under there sometime during the night!

 This is a must every. time.
Makes me feel like a teenager at work again,
and then it makes me feel really old.
That was a looooong time ago! Ugh.
 He did it again! Little stinker!
I even lined the side of his bed with pillows and still he rolled under.
At lease we knew right where to look this time!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Water babies!

My little mermaid!
 Marshall has become quite independent in his floaties!
He is even trying to float on his back!

  I love these days!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Sea Life Aquarium!

Me and my babies went to the local aquarium today.
I love anything that has to do with the sea.
The kids had fun too.

Marshall is totally in to "Octonauts" these days and he was in heaven when he saw this huge toy display in the gift shop.

It was very hard to get him away from there :0/