Friday, August 1, 2014

The Last Week Before School....

I decided to make this a fun filled week for me and my babies.
Marshall and I are going to miss Mia so much when she goes back to school.
Here is how out week turned out!

We went to the pool with Aunt Bebe and Cousin Cole Twice!

During this trip to the pool, Cole broke out of his shell and became a water bug!

  And Mia decided to brave the slides!!!
She had so much fun!
My girl is getting so big and brave.

We had a play date at USA Gymnastics where we met some new friends that will be going to Mia's new school!
We had fun and are looking forward to a great year ahead!
I didn't get many pictures because I had to chase Marshall all over that place!
He LOVED it!
I see some Mom and Me gymnastics classes in our future!

I took the kids to the SeaLife Aquarium here.
We love anything that reminds us of the ocean and beach!



And Mia and I finished the week off with our 2nd annual back to school mani/pedi!

Mia is already showing her school pride!
Red, White and Blue are her school colors!

We all had a great week! 
Now on to the next chapter!

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