Saturday, August 30, 2014

Mia's 1st Sleepover!

Mia has been waiting for this day for a long time!!
Her Grammy told her that she thought she could have her first sleep over when she turned 6.
She has been asking for 8 months!!
So it is apropos that her first sleep over be at Grammy's!!
Here she is all ready to go!
She was so excited!

The phone call came at about 1:30am.
My girl wanted to come home.
I happily drove to pick her up.
I'm not ready either.

Friday, August 22, 2014

My beauty

Mia decided that she wanted to get her hair cut shorter.
When this girl does something she does it big!!



And for old times sake,
here is her very first bob cut!

Where does the time go?!?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Billie and I have started child sharing twice a week!
I watch Cole for a few hours on Tuesdays and she watches Marshall on Thursdays.
We get to schedule appointments, go shopping sans little monsters or do whatever needs doing in solitude!
It is brilliant!

A great bonus is that these 2 cousins get to play together and become great friends!

Friday, August 15, 2014


Friday night is Grampa night here at the Montoya house. 
Tonight Gramps and I enjoyed a rum and coke together!
I want to be just like him when I am 92!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Marshall and I were playing hide and seek.
He subscribes to the "I can't see you, you can't see me theory"!
I was counting and he was hiding!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Fun in the rain!

Today we had one of those gorgeous straight down, kind of rain showers.
I grabbed the umbrella and took the kiddos out to play!
I am pretty sure this was Marshall's first time playing in the rain!
He loved it!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Girls night out!

Tonight I had a date with my Kym!
Our dates usually consist of going to Sprouts or the Bread Store.
Well tonight we did Paint Nite!
Their motto is "Drink Creatively"!
 And that is what we did!

 It was so fun! 
I was surprised at how easy they made the painting seem.

We did pretty darn good!
Good times with a great friend!

Roadrunner Park

Marshall and I braved the heat and checked out a brand new park near us this morning!
It was a beautiful park and we had it all to ourselves!

I look forward to spending lots more time there when the weather cools off!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Oh this boy...

Had to share some recent silly Marshall encounters!

I was driving through a construction zone and heard very seriously from the back seat:
"Uh guys, suntings wong with dis woad."

He has learned to count to to 14...sort of
"1, 2, fwee, 4, 5, 11, 12, firteen, foteen."

The other day I heard him exclaim
"Hey mom! I'm Olaf!"
And this is what I saw...

I see the resemblance!!

This kid keeps me hoppin', but at least there are lots of laughs along the way!

Monday, August 4, 2014

After waiting in a loooong pick up line...

I got my girl!!!

She had a great first day!