Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Today on a whim I took the kids to...

What a cool place!
While we waited for the informational 3D movie to start, we checked out the small aquarium room.

Marshall loved all the "fishies"!!

There was a sting ray tank, Mia and I didn't want anything to do with touching those things!
It was a major challenge to keep Marshall away!

Then we were ready for the movie!

It was a beautiful movie and the 3D was amazing! 
I loved looking at the kids faces and seeing the wonder there!
More then once they were reaching out to try to touch and grab butterflies!

Next it was the nursery room where butterflies emerge from their chrysalis! 
Another amazing thing to see!

There were several butterflies that had just emerged and were hanging there until their wings dry and they are ready for the Butterfly Wonderland!
There are many different types of butterflies here.
This one is as big as my hand!

And for the grand finale.....
Out to the Conservatory!
We had to watch where we walked so we didn't step on any!

Marshall was so good about not touching!
He just waved :0)

They told us going in that we might get lucky and a butterfly may land on us!
Mia wanted a "butterfly kiss" so bad, she stood still hoping one would land on her!
Ultimately we all got a butterfly kiss! 
One landed briefly on Marshall's back, one on Mia's shoe, and one on my hat!!
A lady next to me was able to snap a picture!
Kinda hard to see, but he was a big one!

It really was a beautiful, serene experience and I'm glad we did it!

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