Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My poor sweet boy.

My boy fell and broke his arm last Monday :-(
And it broke my heart.
I didn't see him fall (Thank God!). 
But I knew something wasn't right when I got to him. 
He just didn't get up as fast as he usually does.
I sat on the ground by him and put him in my lap. 
I just thought he had bumped his head pretty good, so I was holding him and talking softly to calm him.
I was telling him this is why we have to be careful. 
I just happened to look down, and I could see immediately that his arm was broken.
The mom in me shut down and the nurse took over.
My sister was with me (Another thank God moment!) and I very calmly said
"Oh my God, his arm is broken." 
 I stood up with him.
Billie got the Motrin, we loaded up the Mini and off we went to the hospital. 
I sat in the back seat, holding my precious babe on my lap.
He needed me and my love, so I had to just snuggle him and trust that we would get there safely.  
I had called Caleb as we were leaving and he was waiting for us at the ER door.
They took us right back since Marshall had a "deformity" ie. an obvious fracture.

He had an IV and morphine on board within 20minutes! 

This is him on drugs!

He was calm and cozy in my arms.

Until the X-ray.
That really caused him a lot of pain.

And when we got the results it was worse then we thought.
He had broken it in THREE places!

Luckily the ortho doc on call said that he thought he would heal well with splinting and a cast in a week.
So they put my tiny man in a splint
And a sling!

He felt pretty good and only needed some Motrin and Tylenol for the pain.
I had to watch him like a hawk because the splint wasn't very protective and having his arm in a sling had him all off balance!
He fell a couple of times and I swear my heart stopped until I saw that he was ok!
I got crafty and busted out the crayons and taped a piece of construction paper to his high chair tray!

I plan on framing his very first masterpiece!

I called the ortho doc the very next day and asked to be seen on Thursday or Friday as I didn't want to have to go through the holiday weekend in the sling. Plus I didn't have much faith in the work the ER had done setting the bones. 

The bright spot in this adventure was that my mama was willing and able to drop everything and come to my rescue! She got here Tuesday night!
Mia was stunned to see mama d when she opened her eyes Wednesday morning!
She helped soothe my nerves and helped me take care of business.
(Thank you so much for coming Mom! You helped more then you know!)

Thursday morning bright and early we went to see the ortho doc.

That was one tough waiting room. Full of little ones with various injuries etc.
There was a little girl who had a broken leg and she was in so much pain I nearly cried for her!

Again my boy was a trooper.
This time he handled the X-rays a little better.
When we got those results it turned out I was right about the ER not setting the bones well. They were almost exactly the same as they were before he was splinted. (sigh)
Thankfully since he is so young and growing so fast the doc said he wouldn't need surgery and he will heal well with a cast, but they would need to manipulate it a bit to achieve better alignment.
I was prepared for this and had brought along the liquid Vicodin the ER had prescribed. I gave him a dose before they did anything.
Here is how it went.

He was doin ok, hangin tough and only complaining a little bit.
Then she did this

She had to mold the cast to set the bones straight and hold like that for TWO minutes.
That was a long time for my poor babe to be in such pain. I held on and soothed him the best I could.

This pic breaks my heart! He was so sad.
But then it was done and I got to scoop him up and snuggle him.

They took another X-ray and the bones were very well aligned (they better have been after all that!)
So we loaded up and headed home!
My mom went shopping for dinner fixins and came hope with this little guy for Marsh!

Now that he is all snug in his cast he is pretty much back to full steam!
We have had some fun times!

Bathing is an experience!

I ordered this "pediatric" waterproof cast cover and it was long enough to fit my arm!
But after some modifications I was able to make it work!

He hasn't required anything for pain since the cast adventure!
What a brave, strong, tough boy I have!

We will see the ortho doc again on Thursday to make sure the bones are still in good alignment.
Fingers crossed- I don't want him to have to go through that pain again!

***we were worried that he would still be in a cast for his first visit to the beach on Oct. 2nd, but the doctor is pretty sure he will be out of it by then! Hooray for fast healing baby bones! 


  1. I am totally bawling reading this post. You and Marsh are rockstars. Much love to ALL of you. What a tough thing to have to go through!!

  2. I am so grateful that I was able to spend a few days of supporting, cuddling and helping you and yours. Marshy, you the bravest little guy I have ever know:) xoxoxo
