Friday, June 7, 2013

Swimming lessons

The kids started swimming lessons this week!
We go 4 days a week for 2 weeks!
Marshall and I go from 9-930 and then Mia goes 930-10.
We quickly figured out a routine and it has been really fun!
Both kids are doing great!
Mia is swimming on her own!
She is so proud of herself!
Here are some pics
Marshall's turn

The water is so warm!
But when we have to get out and go into the bathroom to change it is freezing!
 I love his wrinkly feet!

Mia's turn!


1 comment:

  1. So glad you're doing this, especially having a pool at home. Kingston is in swim lessons right now too. This is his third year... He is quite the swimmer. Am going one morning this week to watch him. So much fun seeing him in the water. Take care and kiss your "tadpoles" for me! xoxoxo
