Thursday, June 27, 2013

Brush teeth?

Pronounced- Ba Tee? In Marshall speak!
This kid loves to brush his teeth! It is so cute!
He says it over and over and giggles and squeals all the way to the bathroom!
And then screams and cries when he has to be all done!
Gotta take the good with the bad I suppose.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A date with my baby sister!

My sister and I both have such busy lives.
We both have 2 kids, husbands and full time jobs...outside the home!
We "talk" on the phone pretty much everyday.
But the conversation is filled with screaming kids, multiple interruptions and sudden goodbyes to handle some sort of "situation"!
Tonight we took some time out and went on a date!
I was so looking forward to this!
I even had a little list going of all the things that I wanted to be sure to chat about with her!
We had fun.
We had drinks and nachos, then went to see World War Z!
It was a great evening!
We must do it more often.

Kati's Kuts

That is what I'm gonna call my barber shop!
It is located in the bathtub of my master bathroom.
Cuts are free.
Results not guaranteed!!!

So remember the post of Marshall's traumatic salon experience?
Well I got some clippers and gave it a go on my own!

(He had no idea what he was doing in there!)

(It is hard to see, but he has hair all over his back! 
He looked like a hairy old man!)

(It was slightly less traumatic than the salon!)

I did a pretty darn good job!
My boy looks so handsome with his big boy haircut!

Billie was so impressed that she brought Cole over the next day and he got a Kut by Kati as well ;-)

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Remember these flowers?
Well, they didn't make it.
It is just too stinkin hot.
The front of my house faces west so I really should learn that I can't grow anything out there during the summner!
I came across these bad boys at Home Depot and all my problems were solved!
(as far as flowers out front in the summer anyway!)

They are glass, solar powered LED flowers!

 and they look gorgeous at night too!
 Take that summer sun!!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Swimming lessons

The kids started swimming lessons this week!
We go 4 days a week for 2 weeks!
Marshall and I go from 9-930 and then Mia goes 930-10.
We quickly figured out a routine and it has been really fun!
Both kids are doing great!
Mia is swimming on her own!
She is so proud of herself!
Here are some pics
Marshall's turn

The water is so warm!
But when we have to get out and go into the bathroom to change it is freezing!
 I love his wrinkly feet!

Mia's turn!


Thursday, June 6, 2013


Mia has been having so much fun playing with her friends that live across the street!
They are here pretty much every day!
Today we built a fort and they had fun playing in it!

I hope that they stay friends for a long time!
These boys are great and such good kids.
It will be cool to watch them grow together.


So, even though Marshall figured out how to walk on Mother's day, he really didn't do it much. I think he was still afraid and so he still mostly crawled or walked along the furniture.
But this week he sure did turn the corner!
He is a walking fool! Almost never crawls.
The cutest part is that he just giggles and is so proud of himself!
Unfortunately along with this new found freedom he has become quite brave and decided to start climbing too!

 Little stinker!
As Daddy says- He is a mischievous little monkey!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mooooooom! Marshall's in my space!

That is what I heard coming from the living room this morning.
Turns out Mia had made herself a little area to play.
She walled herself in with pillows to make her own little spot to play with her barbies.
Well this is what happened when she left it unattended to go to the bathroom!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Loft make over!

I am slowly making over our loft area.
It is full of toys and I am trying to make it a bit more family friendly.
Today I covered the couches!

Boy have couch covers come a LONG way!
When Caleb and I first got our house when we were 19 all of our furniture was used and I bought covers for it. They were basically big pieces of fabric that I had to tuck in. They weren't great, but they did the job of covering the ugliness underneath!
Later on we bought these couches!
We were so proud.
They are a good 10 years old now and have some wear and tear.
These new covers fit like a glove and make them look brand new!
So fun!