Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Not so much.

My boy needed a haircut,

so I made an appointment and took him in.
He had one when he was a few months old, he didn't mind.
He didn't hold still, but he didn't mind.
Today, he wanted nothing to do with it!

I had to hold him down!
And he was ruining the tranquility of the salon!
I felt bad for all the ladies there!
So Miss Becky worked fast and did the best she could!
She did a fine job, but I wanted it shorter.
So when we got home I put him in the sink and worked on him some more!
Looks pretty good I say!
When Mia was little I always said that if we ever have a boy I'm going to have to learn to cut his hair.
Seeing as how he tolerated me working on him way better then the stylist, I'm in the market for some nice, quiet trimmers!
Wish me luck!

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