Wednesday, April 17, 2013

15 Month Check

My precious babe had his 15 month check up today!
He weighed in at a whopping 20lbs 1oz and is 29in tall!
Still in the 3rd percentile.
(Mia weighed 20lbs 15oz and was 30 1/2in tall!- and I thought she was little!)
I was a bit nervous for this appointment because at Marshall's 1 year check the doctor reassured me that he would walk soon and that if he wasn't walking by his 15 month check that was when she would start to be concerned.
He isn't walking yet.
He stands up and walks along the walls and furniture
But he will not let go and do it on his own!
Lately he doesn't even want to walk holding our hands.
Well, she checked him out and agreed that he has great strength, balance and coordination.
We think he is just scared to walk.
She gave me some things to try, like give him something to hold in his hands and then encourage him to walk. Maybe he will feel more secure holding on to something?
And I realized yesterday that he will hold my hands and walk in the grass because he doesn't like the way it feels on his hands, so he won't crawl!
So we are just gonna keep working on it.
He will do it when he is ready.
Really I kinda like that he is a little peanut and not walking yet.
He is my baby after all.
The last one I will ever have.
No need to rush things.
As long as he is happy, I am happy!

1 comment:

  1. Marshy WILL walk by himself when he's ready. Maybe he's just waiting for mama d* to be there when he does:o) xoxoxo!!!
