Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Another big milestone!

I have begun the weaning process!
My boy now gets his noon time milk from a sippy cup!
He is such a big boy!
I think that this time is going to be a bit harder for me then it was with Mia.
This is my last baby.
While part of me is so ready to be done with breastfeeding and all that goes along with it,
ie: wearing the right bra, thinking about the logistics of breastfeeding when I pick out my outfit for the day, limited caffeine, no alcohol, no chocolate (upsets marshall's stomach for some reason!), pumping etc...
Another part of me is going to miss it.
It's the end of an era in my life for sure.
All my life I dreamed about having babies and mine are growing too fast!
Slow down!
(I find myself saying that all the time these days!)

Cheers to you my sweet boy!
Don't worry about me, I'll be ok...


  1. I hear ya on "they grow up too fast!" It goes by in a blink. So glad you are documenting all this on here as I didn't do didly and now I regret it!! I have some home movies and pics but nothing as documented as this. You're gonna be so glad later in life that you did this. xoxoxox

  2. Awwww, it's so cute to see him leaned back in your arms drinking from a sippy cup! Yes, honey, time marches on:) Now you can look forward to some chocolate and a rum & coke now and then...just saying. xoxoxo!!!
