I have always been impressed with Mia's reading skills.
Sometimes she just blows me away with the things she reads.
Today, for example, we were driving through a parking lot and she says
"Mom, do you have anything you need to drop off in the donation bins?"
We had just passed one that said "Donations" real big on it!
A little while ago I decided to look up reading tests online.
I found a great website and a testing we went.
My girl could read the word lists up to a FOURTH GRADE level!!
And her reading comprehension was at a second grade level!
(I think she could pass the 3rd grade level too, but she got bored with it!)
I can't believe it!
She doesn't start kindergarten for another year!
I better find some fun ways to keep that brain of hers busy!
I think you might want to test her out of Kindergarten. She's gonna be waaaaay too bored and understimulated in there.... Just a thought.