Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A post about hair

My sweet boy has lost almost all of his baby hair.

Remember his faux hawk?
 This is all that is left of it!
 Just a few long, crazy hairs towards the back of his head that stick straight up!
 and his embarrassing bald spot?
All gone and replaced with new big kid hair!
His new hair growth feels thicker and more coarse.
I think he got his daddy's luscious locks!

And Mia is sportin' a new look too!
She really wants to let her hair and bangs grow long.
We have tried in the past, but she won't let me do anything with it so we always end up cutting it.
This time she is into using hair "product" so I am able to keep her bangs out of her face!
We will see how long this lasts!

As for me...
Postpartum hair loss is in FULL swing!
This is just from today!
It comes out in clumps.
And is all over my house!
It is a little alarming really.
When will it end?!?!
I don't know, 
but I hope I have some hair left when it is over!


  1. Marshy looks great, and Mia looks tooooo grown up! Glad you are getting her to use hair product to keep the "do" going. As for you, that is alot of hair going down the drain. I am so unobservant---I never noticed post-partum hair loss. Weird.
    Miss you too much!
    xoxoxo!!! mama°

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  3. Good documentation!! Love that "Marshy" sucks his two fingers, adorable!! As for Mia "not letting you" come on! you're the mom assert your privledge. She'll be grown up before you know it and THEN for sure she won't let you do anything with her hair... This is the age when you SHOULD be doing cute fun things to her hair and she should be letting you, just my opinion of course... As for your hair loss, you have enough hair and can afford to lose a little, just always remember the woman with thin hair that loose their hair, THAT's noticeable. Just me being "miss bossy!" Love you all, xxoxoxox

  4. Girrrll, I feel your pain! Last month I just started my post partum hair loss too. My hair dresser gasped when she was washing my hair in the sink....I had to tell her that its like that every day. I think its part of the post partum weight loss gig, LOL.
