(Not fast enough for the doctor I guess, as we have been there twice now for weight checks!)
He weighs 11# 8oz! (only the 15th percentile)
He is "talking" and cooing all the time!
He has rolled from back to front and front to back already, although he isn't doing either regularly.
He is the BEST sleeper!
He goes to bed every night around 7:30.
I put him in his bed wide awake, and he just drifts off to dreamland!
(I am hoping it stays this way! I can remember the nights of having to let Mia cry it out!)
He wakes up between 3 and 4 to nurse, then back to bed he goes!
He is an early riser though. Always up by 6:45!
Mia is starting to enjoy him more since he is able to interact more with her!
I will say "Where is Mia?" and he looks at her and smiles!
She loves that!
He loves his mama, but does super with Daddy on the weekends while I am at work.
Grammy can always make him smile!
His hair is so silly!
From the back it looks awful!
He has a big 'ol bald spot! And he is starting to lose more around the sides!
I wonder what it is going to look like when it starts to grow back! Thank goodness he is a boy!
We love you Marshall!
Happy 3 month birthday!
I love these kids! What did I ever do without them?!?!?
How precious! They are the light of your life!
They are just precious gifts. They are just how they are supposed to be!! xoxox