Friday, February 19, 2016

The FLU!

This amazing girl was on stage less than 12 hours ago.
When the show was over I could see in her eyes  that something wasn't right.
The flu symptoms roared their ugly head in the middle of the night.

The show will have to go on without their best servant!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Beauty and the Beast Jr.

My precious girl was in her first play!
She has worked so hard and practiced almost every day!
Mama d and Bean came to see her too!

Bravo Mia! Bravo!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Biking with Bean!

 That Bean is just a big kid! 
The kids always have a good time with her!

Friday, February 12, 2016

I've gotta keep up!

Marshall is amazing on his balance bike!
He goes so fast that I can't keep up.
And he wants to ride every day.
So...mama got these today!

I also bought crash gear! Wrist guards, knee pads and elbow pads!
Look out neighborhood! We are on a roll!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Time for a check up!

Marshall had his 4 year check up today!
He is so funny and just chatted Dr. Peterson up!

4 year stats:
31 lbs
39 1/4 inches tall

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Marshall was taking a bath today.
It became very quiet in there, I called to him and he didn't answer.
I headed down the hall to check on him.
When I saw the tub, I didn't see him.
This resulted in a panicked sprint the rest of the way.
This is how I found him.

Good gravy! I was about to lose it!