Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween 2015!

Marshall loves his sister so much and just thinks she is the coolest thing ever.
So this year he wanted to be the same as her for Halloween!
Robin and Robin
(From Teen Titans Go!)

Couldn't be cuter!!

My driveway set up is getting a little bigger!
It still is pathetic compared to our neighbors freaky house!
But hey- it suits me just fine!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Mia's Halloween Party

Mia's party was today!

Marshall got to come too!

After the party it was off to the pumpkin patch!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Marshall's Halloween Party

My boy got to enjoy his first class party today!
He was so excited!

3rd Grade Pictures

Look at her next to my 3rd grade picture!
We are missing the same tooth!
Love it!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Awards Assembly

My precious girl received an award for Citizenship and for being on the Principal's List (straight A's!)
So proud!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Nature walk

While waiting for our van to get some work done this morning, Marshall and I took a walk around the neighborhood.
We saw horses, chickens, goats and cattle!
What a great neighborhood.
We had a nice time together. I love his excitement and awe of it all!

So pretty!

Mia's hair is getting long again and she is sometimes letting me do things with it.
Today we did double buns.

She looks so pretty.
I love that face!

Friday, October 16, 2015

All 4 of us!

Daddy and I had a rare day off together today!
We got to spend the day together- ALL 4 OF US!
Love my sweet family.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Crafting madness!

It's that time of year again where I make my Give Thanks/ Believe blocks!
I love working with my saw!
And this year I purchased this table so I don't have to squat in the driveway!
And then I rigged my sander to be held on it so I can sand hands free!!
So fun!!!

Growing up

Mia took her first solo ride around the block today.
I watched her until I couldn't see her any longer, then held my breath when she was out of sight.

Tears sprung to my eyes as I saw her turn the corner back in to view and I could breathe again.

Oh my sweet baby. Why must you grow up?

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Open wide!!!

Marshall had his first visit to the dentist today!
He did so good! I was quite impressed with him.
He complained a little, but at least he let them look in there!
All is well and we shall check up again in 6 months.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Halloween Crafting!

The kids and I made this gem this week!

I love it and will hang it up every year!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

No more front teeth!

This girl's teeth just love to hang in there!
I told her this morning that she really needs to work on getting this thing out!
She said she was worried that she was going to look funny with no front teeth.
I asked her if she had looked in the mirror lately!! HAHAHAHA!

Daddy texted me this picture later in the day!

I think she looks pretty darn cute!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Today we put up our Halloween decorations.
This is Charlotte, our newest addition!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

"I'm bored"

Mia got out of school early today.
I had a busy day of cleaning.
After only about an hour of being home she said "I'm bored".
So I put her to work!!!

Maybe next time she will keep herself occupied!
Although she is still of the age where cleaning is fun!
Clean on sister, clean on.