Monday, September 28, 2015

A visit from Mama d!

It is always a treat when Mama d comes to visit!

Mia had a class project that she had to bring this snake home and have some adventures, take pictures and write about it!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Family time!

Mama d is in town so we all got together!
It was nice to have some family time!

Friday, September 18, 2015

It's less than 100 degrees

There was a little break in the heat this morning so Marshall and I took advantage and went to the park bright and early.
It was nice to be outside.
But it got hot pretty fast so we didn't stay long.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Beauty and the Beast

Mia tried out for the school play today!
She practiced so much and was ready!
She said that the instructor was very impressed and is considering her for a role!
I am so proud of this girl.

My little comedian

This kiddo keeps me in stitches!
He got on the scale in my bathroom and here is the conversation:
Marshall "Mom, what does it say?"
Me "I don't know, I can't see it."
Marshall "It says I'm a winner!!!!!"

Then this afternoon he was playing with Mia's doll house. He was chatting away with the dolls and all of a sudden I hear him say "Who is it?" and then the response from the doll "It's Jake from Statefarm"!! (Like the commercial! LOL!)

 Crazy boy! Got his dad's sense of humor.


They are all the rage at Mia's school! She has over 100.
I got her this case and we made a special sticker for it!
She is even having a Shopkins themed birthday party!

Silly little things.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015

All About Marshall!

Today Marshall was the Star Student at school!
We made this All About Me poster and he shared it with his class!
I remember when Mia and I did hers!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Still hanging in there!

This tooth does not want to leave her mouth!!!
I've tried pulling it (admittedly I haven't pulled really hard- I don't want to hurt her), she's tried floss and pulling. It looks like it is barely hanging on, but that stinkin thing is stuck!!