Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Veteran's Oasis Park

We have this great park near us and I don't go to it often enough! Today I took my boy there. We had a nice time!
He is my child and headed straight for the water!
I couldn't keep him out!

He would have walked all the way in and played all day if I would let him! 
Pretty sure this is a fishing only lake, no swimming!!

Then we had a little picnic!

Look ma! 
No hands!
We walked all the way around the lake. 
Along the way they have displays all about the solar system. 
Marshall walked right up and said 
I guess his obsession with the Baby Einstein DVDs is paying off!

I had to keep a close eye on this kid. 
He seriously loves the water and has no fear. Eek! 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My 3 loves in a photo booth

Picture perfect!

Zoo date with my best guy!

I took Marshall to the zoo today!
He hasn't been since he was just a babe. 
It was fun exploring with him and seeing all the animals he has come to know!

We got to feed these beauties!
Marshall wasn't a bit afraid!

Don't the giraffes kinda look like they are photo bombing us?!?

He fit right in with the monkeys!
They were no where near the window until we got there!

Look at the teeth on this guy!
He was just yawning and I caught him right in the middle!
Looks scary!

After all that we needed a snack!

Then back to see some more animals!

Next came the carosel! 


Then we finished with a picnic!

These are the good ol days!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Mia has asked a few times to go to Mimi's grave. 
Since the marker is there now and the vase was empty, we picked up some flowers and went for a visit. 

She asked me to bring tissues in case she cried. 

She didn't cry. 
She loved it there. 
She could feel the love and peace all around.  
She thought the cemetery was beautiful. 

She was curious and had lots of wise and heartfelt questions for me. 

My Mia is one special girl. 

I love her so and am so glad she chose me to walk with her in this life. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Grampa called me and told me that Mimi's grave marker was in.
I stopped by today to see it. 

I haven't been there for a while. 
I cried. 
I miss her so. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easy peasy!

Well my kidney stone is outta here!
The surgery was super easy and there was almost no recovery time. 
I feel like a million bucks! 
I didn't realize how bad I felt. 
I was so focused on the pain when it was there and then so worried about when it was going to return when it was gone, I didn't notice how sick my body was. 
I guess having a bum kidney can knock you down a bit. 
But alas, I am great now and back to livin the good life! 
It feels good to feel good! 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

All good things must end.

My mama has to go home tomorrow.
She has spoiled us rotten. 
I can't begin to express how much her extended visit meant to me. 
She fit right in to our home and family and helped so much. 
My babies got to spend so much quality time with her. 

It's visits like this that will stay in their memories and bring warm fuzzies to them when they think about it. 

We wore her out though! 

But in a good way I think! 

We will miss you so much mama! 
We love you so and the door is open whenever you want to come spoil us some more!!!

Privacy Please!

When Mia was potty training I would pull up a seat in the bathroom and we would have some great conversations.
(I kinda miss those days!)

But Marshall? 
Not so much.
He needs his privacy. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter in pictures

*Since my mom is still here she made us a yummy Easter Dinner! The pluses of having her here just keep comin!!!