Friday, February 22, 2013

Dishwasher Magnet

This boy of mine loves the dishwasher!
He can be in another room, and when he hears me open it he comes into the kitchen as fast as his arms and legs will carry him!
And what does he do?
Takes out all the silverware and throws it on the floor of course!
When I am done with the dishes it is a race to see if  I can put it all back in faster then he can try to take it all back out!
Crazy kid!

Random Pics

When I went to upload my pics I realized that there weren't too many.
I need to get my camera out more oftern!

 My mom sent  a Valentine package to the kids!
Mia's was this kit to decorate your own heart shaped treasure box.
Of course my smart girl decorated the tray it all came in and decided to use it to hold her "make-up"!!!
My mom's friend sent this bib to Marshall!
 Of course Mia had to model it too!
Can't have Marshy getting all the attention ;)
This was how how Marshall watched TV while I was in the shower this morning!

How do I love you? Let me count the ways...

I remember when I first became a mom, I wondered how in the world would I be able to love another child?
I had so much love for Mia that it just gushed out of me and I really didn't think that it would be possible to love another one the same.
I talked about this a lot with many other moms.
They all assured me that your heart grows even more and you feel the same love for all of your children.
When Marshall was born I realized that indeed my heart's capacity doubled and instantly I knew that I would love him as much as I love Mia.
One of my friends said to me "You will love them the same, yet differently".
I wondered what she meant by that. It seemed kinda weird to me.
Recently I had a moment while looking at my precious babies, both playing independently, doing their own things and I realized what she meant.
When I look at Mia my heart swells with pride at what a brilliant, beautiful, kind, loving, funny, talented, amazing little girl she is.
When I look at Marshall my heart just smiles! He is such a happy, fun, independent, loving, curious, silly little guy!
I wonder how many times these feelings will change over the years.
Pride, love, honor, protection, warmth, acceptance, patience, strength
These are just a few of the things that fill a momma's heart.
I am so thankful for these two and treasure all of the ways they fill my heart and days.
As long as I am living my babies you will be...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A trip to the park

Today is Cole's 2nd birthday!
I loaded the kids up and we went for a visit!
The weather was so nice that we got lunch and went to the park!
Marshall loves being outside and exploring new things!
 Dry, pokey grass?
 Not so much!!!
 He's not crying here, just making a funny "this feels icky" face!!
Of course we brought along his walker so he could explore
We even had a family swinging session!
What fun!

Happy Birthday Cole Henry!
So glad you were born!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2013 Family Pictures!

This year's photo shoot seemed a bit jinxed!
The first time we had it scheduled the weather was uncharacteristically cold for us.
The high was only 42 degrees!
Totally freezing in my book and there was no way I was gonna take the kids outside and try to make them smile!
So we rescheduled for another time and darn the luck, it was raining!
It doesn't rain here very often and this particular day was day 5 in a row!
My photographer (who also happens to be my hairdresser!) reassured me that it was gonna be ok.
We were scheduled for 4:30pm. That morning it was raining, as the day wore on the clouds broke up and the sun came out!
However, our luck didn't hold and it clouded back up and started to rain again!
This was also the day that Marshall decided to cut his top 2 teeth. He was not a happy camper.
It didn't look good for us.
But in true Montoya fashion we sucked it up, got all gussied up, stopped into CVS for some Orajel and headed to our shoot!
We had some wind, some rain, some tears and leaden gray skies.
And despite all of that our love shown through and the pics turned out great!
Nothin's gonna slow this family down ;)
Without further ado...


Friday, February 8, 2013

New Look!

Big Thanks to Kelly @ Kelly's Avenue Blog Designs for sprucing up the blog!
Love it!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A play date!

Mia went over to her friend Kambri's house today!
I text her mom to ask how things were going and she sent me this picture!
That's my girl- soooo sassy!
She said that when she showed this picture to Mia, she said "You have to send that to my daddy! He will think I look so hot!!!"
Where does she get this?
Caleb's response when he heard what she said:
That sounds a little creepy!
Man I dread the teenage years!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blog friends!

I have been blogging now for about 5 years and have made quite a few "blog friends".
My friend Becca, has a friend Anna, and she and I are "blog friends"!
We have never met, but have followed each others blogs and watched each others families grow and kids get bigger etc.
Well today Becca was in town and we scheduled a play date at the park.
It was the first time that our kids have met!
And Anna was there with her kiddos too!!!
It was so fun to meet her in person. I feel like I have known her forever and we definitely hung out like old friends!
The kids had a great time hanging out and playing too!
Anna and I even discovered that we don't live too far from each other!
I see some play dates in our future!
I didn't take my camera out once.
Thankfully Anna had her's strapped around her neck and shared her awesome photog skills with me!
Lyla, Landon, Grayson, Heaven, Beckett, Mia

I absolutely love these pics of Marshall!

And this one of Mia is soooooo her right now!
Such an independent little lady.
She was riding in a different train car with some other random, new friends she made!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Morning visits!

Usually in the mornings Mia is the first one up.
She will come into my bed and snuggle with me until Marshall wakes up and we are all up for the day.
The other morning when Marshall woke up she asked if she could go get in bed with him.
My bed was so comfy and a few more minutes sounded glorious!
So she went in there and climbed into his crib and they visited for a few while I snuggled in my bed!
Now it has kinda become routine!
I love listening to them on the monitor!
Marshall get's so excited when she comes in!
Good times!
This is a terrible picture, but out of the 5 I snapped this is the best :/

Friday, February 1, 2013

My little walker

The weather was so beautiful today and Mia was outside playing with her friends, so I grabbed Marshall's lion walker and brought him out too!!
He was so excited and proud to be out there with the big kids!
I couldn't stop snapping pictures!