I can hardly believe my boy is already a month old!
And yet it feels like he has been with us forever!
He is such a good baby.
He is already on a pretty good schedule and he sleeps for 6 1/2 hours before needing to eat at night!
He had his 1 month check up today and he weighs 8# 14oz and is 20 3/4 in long!
(that is exactly what Mia weighed at her 1 month check!)
I thought he was going to be bigger then that!
He just seems to grow before my eyes sometimes!
Here are some of my favorite things about him right now:
-the sweet smacking sound he makes when he is getting ready to eat.
-his sneezes! (They always come in multiples and there is usually one that doesn't quite qualify as a sneeze, it's more of a squeeling sound! -I really need to get that on video!)
-our middle of the night feeding. (strange I know, but it is our own special time!)
-his awesome arched-back, booty-out stretch!
-his tiny hands.
He is such a wonderful addition to our family, and we are all so glad he was born!
Happy 1 month birthday Marshy Moo!